Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone is a country of almost eight million people (about half the population of New York). With only 1 in 5 claiming Christianity, there is much work to be done. Most of the unreached are in the more remote areas where it is harder to reach.
AL-I along with Ministry Alliance Commission (MAC) based in Sierra Leone, is reaching into the remotest areas of Sierra Leone with the hope of Jesus Christ. Currently there are seven Indigenous church planting teams reaching into villages that have, until now, never heard about Jesus. Out of these relationships, churches are planted, new believers baptized, and discipleship is established. An added benefit from this relationship is the access to education for the children in the new church buildings in Muslim villages.
AL-I partners with individuals and churches in the US who take a personal interest and responsibility by providing prayer and financial support of the individual Sierra Leonean church planting teams. These allies provide a monthly stipend as well as monthly Biblical Study sessions for the church planters. Since access is near impossible to some of the villages, AL-I, can help fund the purchase of motorbikes which enable the church planters to reach several villages in a days’ time. New Christian church buildings are constructed in central, strategic villages which are also used for primary educational places for the younger children unable to attend school due to lack of opportunity.
MAC Ministries is headed by Rev. Joseph Koroma which began in 2019. It is his vision to reach 50,000 souls, plant 1,000 churches in unreached villages, add five hundred church planters to his organization and do all that he can to meet the spiritual and physical needs of people in the villages of his country. AL-I has come along side of Joseph in his efforts through prayer, and financial support to help him in his work.