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Sankofa Farms is a registered entrepreneurial social venture with a nonprofit wing.  After Ebola crippled the economy in Liberia and devastated the population, Nyamah Dunbar knew God was calling her to meet the hurdles and challenges her country faced.  She had an ancestral farm but no personal farming experience.  That did not stop her.  After 10 years of hard work and divine guidance, Sankofa Farms consists of two farming operations and 37 employees.  They are providing a livelihood to those working on the farms and life-giving nutrients to a country in need through the produce that is grown and the meat that is raised.  Sankofa Farms is not limited to Liberia but is believing God to impact the subregion of West Africa and beyond.  AL-I is proud to help represent Nyamah to anyone interested in investing in this Initiative.  “Then the king will say, For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink……..just as you have done it for one of the least of these brothers or sisters of mine, you did it for me.” Matthew 25:34-40 

Please consider joining Sankofa Farms and AL-I.  Go to the home page, fill out the information and donate.